All times listed are in US Central Time
Thursday, September 29th
6pm – 10pm: Opening Reception - Snacks and Cash Bar
Friday, September 30th
7:30: Breakfast
8:20 am: Welcome and Opening Remarks by Karyn Frick
8:30 am: Past President Lecture, Natalie Tronson, “TBD”
9:00 am: “Honoring the scientific contributions and legacy of Dr. Nadia Chaudhri”
Symposium chaired by Sydney Trask and Susan Sangha and featuring:
Shaun Khoo: “Pavlovian conditioned approach after extended training: What's influencing sign- and goal-tracking?” (virtual)
Marie Monfils: “Last call for alcohol”
Milan Valyear: “Phenotypic differences in what is learned about discrete alcohol cues and contexts”
Patricia Janak: “Complexities in neural mechanisms for contextual gating of cue-elicited behavior”
10:30 am: Coffee Break
10:50 am: “The effect of stress on appetitive learning and memory”
Symposium chaired by Jacqueline Giovanniello and featuring:
Christian Bravo-Rivera: “Neural circuits mediating reward approach and punishment avoidance conflict”
Shannon Gourley: “Durable consequences of early-life isolation on goal-seeking behavior”
Barbara Knowlton: “Early life stress, habitual responding, and substance use in young adults”
Jacqueline Giovanniello: “Opposing amygdala-striatal pathways enable chronic stress to promote habit formation”
12:20 pm: Lunch (on your own) / Executive Committee Meeting (West Conference Room)
1:50 pm: Women in Learning Lecture, Susan Sangha, “Using learned safety cues to map the behavioral and circuit mechanisms of fear regulation”
2:20 pm: Christopher Olsen, “Prefrontal cortex drug seeking ensembles: Necessity, specificity, and modulation by injury”
2:40 pm: Jeffrey Lopez-Rojas, “Lateral entorhinal cortical input to the hippocampus: hearing the news from a faraway place”
3:00 pm: Coffee Break
3:20 pm: “Socially connected: How social dynamics and experiences shape behavior and the brain”
Symposium chaired by Moriel Zelikowsky and featuring:
Moriel Zelikowsky: “Communication and courtship following social isolation”
Matthew Lovett-Barron: “Neurobiology of collective behavior in schooling fish”
Ann Clemens: “Neural circuits of kinship behaviour”
Regina Sullivan: “Infant social trauma, not asocial trauma, targets the amygdala to produce deficits in fear and social behavior”
4:50 pm: Breakout Discussion Groups (with Snacks)
Topic 1: “Funding disparities among women and under-represnted minority populations” hosted by Janine Kwapis, Susan Sangha
Topic 2: “Pavlovian research at primarily undergraduate institutions: What, how, and why?” hosted by Olga Lipatova, Matthew Campolattaro
Topic 3: “Leveraging machine learning to discover meaningful patterns of animal behavior” hosted by Nancy Smith, Daniel Weatherill, Andrew Wikenheiser
Topic 4: “Fear sensitization: What is it? How can we study it? What does it tell us about disease? hosted by Michael Drew, Abha Rajbhandari, Andrew Poulos, Kenji Nishimura
5:45 pm: Poster Session
7:15 pm: Dinner (on your own)
Saturday, October 1st
7:30 am: Breakfast
8:25 am: Welcome and Opening Remarks by Karyn Frick
8:30 am: “The neuropeptide PACAP at the intersection of stress, memory, and behavior”
Symposium chaired by Marieke Gilmartin and Abha Rajbhandari and featuring:
Sayamwong (Jom) Hammack: “The role of central pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) signaling in stress and emotion”
Briana Chen: “The VPAC2 receptor mediates fear learning in a sex-specific manner”
Jessica Barson: “Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) in the thalamic paraventricular thalamus and binge-like ethanol drinking”
Abha Rajbhandari: “Role of PACAP and PAC1 in stress via the brain and body axis”
10:00 am: Coffee Break
10:20 am: “The generalization of learning”
Symposium chaired by Ekaterina Likhtik and Nesha Burghardt and featuring:
Jelena Radulovic: “Retrieval-based generalization of aversive conditioning”
Larry Zweifel: “The role of dopamine in threat generalization”
Maria Geffen: “A cortico-thalamic circuit for learning generalization”
Joseph Dunsmoor: “Latent associative structures facilitate higher-order transfer of learned fear”
11:50 am: Women in Learning Luncheon
2:00 pm: Polymnia Georgiou, “Assessing the role of neuroinflammation in ethanol withdrawal induced memory deficits”
2:20 pm: Timothy Jarome, “The role of sex in the necessity for diverse polyubiquitination modifications in memory formation”
2:40 pm: “Neuroimmune interactions with stress, learning, and memory”
Symposium chaired by Nicole Ferrara and featuring:
Ruth Barrientos: “High-fat diet impairs long-term memory and synaptic plasticity in aged rats via neuroinflammatory mechanisms”
Erica Glasper: “Early-life rearing influences sex differences in social learning and neuroimmune function”
Amiel Rosenkranz: “Effects of mild inflammation on amygdala and social function”
Eric Wohleb: “Microglial P2RY12 mediates chronic stress-induced synaptic deficits and behavioral consequences”
4:10 pm: Coffee Break
4:30 pm: “Transitions from goals to habits: Identifying the what, when and how”
Symposium chaired by Sharlen Moore and featuring:
Talia Lerner: “Dopamine circuits for habit formation”
Rachel Smith: “Investigating the link between habits and punishment-resistant cocaine seeking.”
Neil Garret: “Model based habits.”
Sharlen Moore: “Sudden transitions from goal-directed to habitual behavior during sensorimotor learning in mice”
6:00 pm: Poster Session
7:30 pm: Banquet, Awards Ceremony, & Closing